Now its only a couple of weeks to the hard core hot rod event hosted by A-Bombers: Flat Out Blast.


This is a event you can’t miss if you are into real traditional hot rods.


Remember, this is the requirements for Flat Out:

ONLY! Up to 1934 American hot rods in authentic style. No original cars. If you don’t have your ca running, please ride with your friend. No other cars allowed anywhere around the site. Bring your tent, booze and best party mood and tag along! The site is open from 15.00 Friday and the run starts at 13.00 on Saturday.


This is a meet where you participate with your car, it is not a event for visitors that just want to check out cars or just wants to party.


Note: This is not a RCS event but we know there’s going to be a lot of members going to this event.

This is going to be a blast! See your there!